Thursday 19 March 2009

Timetable of events for the day

We aim to hold educational meetings whilst we hold this space, and we welcome everyone to attend be they students, lecturers, other staff or people from the wider community.

1pm Palestine Society planning meeting for protecting and extending the SU's policy on Palestine

2pm Discussion about activism around BAE - an arms company our University has links with.

3pm Alternative Media workshop with a publisher from Indymedia.

4.30pm Tom Stafford - Lecturer from Psychology department on The psychology of framing; the rhetoric of the Israel- Palestine conflict.

Evening - Dinners and informal discussion on why we occupied.
- Unconfirmed meetings and discussion from student societies


  1. What time is lunch - and will there be sandwiches?

    If you could get some of those little sausages on sticks, it'd be appreciated

  2. Those cheese and pineapple sticks are much better. Yum yum!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Doesn't matter what they get to eat-if it's in there long enough it'll end up looking, smelling and tasting like Student Broad Left.

  5. Are there any sausage rolls left?

    Slice of quiche?

    Maybe some falafel?

  6. From your own Blog:

    "We re-iterate our desire to cooperate with students and staff to continue with their lectures in our occupied space"

    So tell me, what happens to all those lectures scheduled for these lecture theatres whilst your "Timetable of events for the day" is taking place??

    Fact: the only people disrupting students' education is YOU not the management.

  7. "Maybe some falafel?"

    I hear it's best when cooked over a white phosphorus BBQ.

  8. Yeah, but you can't have a bbq indoors, so you're going to have to go without
