Wednesday, 25 March 2009


With the University still refusing to negotiate with the occupiers, and coming down heavier on them every minute (police were called last night but found we were commiting no criminal offence), we shall be holding a rally in support of the demands, and urging the university to negotiate and act fairly. This will start on the Union concourse at 3pm and make its way to the occupied Jessops West Exhibition Centre where a set of speakers will speak.

Please come and show your support.


  1. a set of speakers? what some KEF's or B&W's?

  2. "With the University still refusing to negotiate with the occupiers and coming down heavier on them every minute"

    Excellent news

    "police were called last night but found we were commiting no criminal offence"

    Shame the court order hasn't come through yet. They'll be back.

    "we shall be holding a rally in support of the demands, and urging the university to negotiate and act fairly"

    The University *is* acting more than fairly. You're occupying it's buildings without permission. You really do have a twisted view on reality.

    If the University was to be even more fair - and consider the needs of it's entire student population, rather than a vocal few - then it would be more than justified in kicking the lot of you out, at which point you would presumably be guilty of trespassing and could be arrested.

    Now THAT would be fair.

  3. If you're so keen to help Gaza, may I point to any major airline schedule...?

  4. Even as a student, I find this ridiculous. The truth is, the majority are being disrupted because you choose to throw your toys out of the pram. Why do you want to support a state that doesn't even recognise Israel? not very democratic that, is it?

  5. Wednesday 3pm on the concourse. Good timing. You'll get all the sports teams...oh wait, they'll be training for varsity. And everyone has lectures...oh wait, they're cancelled for sport.

    Fuck me, a room of 20 people and you've still got fuck all idea how to organise something. Average Joe Gazan's probably thanking god you're here in a room and not there trying to help.

  6. Is anyone going to stay and guard the building while you're off at this rally?

    Bit concerned in case you come back and find you've all been locked out.

    Of course, when I say concerned, I mean hopeful.

  7. Boring, give it up!
    why don't you focus on something that actually means something to students, rising unemployment etc?

  8. Why not give it up you know you will be needed in London next week to burn down a McDonalds or Starbucks in the name of protest.

    It must also really hurt that the attack on Sir Fred Goodwins house has far more media interest than your protest would get in 100 years.

    Time to give it up silly little children.

  9. Sir Fred Goodwin? Did someone draw a cock on his roof?
