Monday, 16 March 2009

Sheffield Occupied

Students at Sheffield University occupied a lecture theater in the Hicks building at 7:15pm today.

The students decided to occupy in solidarity with the people of Gaza and in response to the University Administration and Vice Chancellor’s uncooperative approach towards student’s previous list of demands.

More details will follow soon...


  1. give us more info, friends!


  2. Hey guys, I was involved in the Newcastle occupation last week. Sending over the best of wishes oh behalf of Newcastle University Gaza Solidarity Campaign and from myself. Keep up the hard work, and don't allow yourselves to get demoralised or pushed into the corner! It's going to be an exciting but tiring experience!

    Just as a heads up, if you want to tailor your press releases/demands/comments to be the strongest they can be in the face of criticism, check out both the common criticisms on this blog and also maybe the comments some 'intellectuals' put under our blog posts
    I promise you it'll be worth it just to make your campaign stronger and so you know what to expect!

    Best of luck, keep us updated :-)

    In solidarity!

  3. Keep your blog updated - so we can publicise your occupation - best of luck - you will win -

  4. Solidarity!
    Good Luck, lovely Sheffield.
    Let us know email addresses for appropriate members of staff etc we can contact to support you.

  5. Greetings and solidarity from Campsie Branch Scottish Socialist Party. Good luck with this - the students are doing us proud!

  6. Hey Guys, well done and good work, keep spreading the word across the campus.

    I was at the Manchester Uni occupation+demos, check out their blog to see how the negotiations are going (after a 29-day occupation)

  7. Sollidarity and good luck

    Ed (Unison Shop Steward Newcastle City Council and Workers Liberty supporter)

    I'll keep reading to see if there is anything practical we can do to offer solidarity.

  8. Congrats & solidarity from all of us here at Plymouth!

    Best of luck to you

  9. Solidarity from supporters of the Revolutionary Communist Group in London, where we will mention you on the megaphone at our weekly demos for Palestine outside M&S, Britain's foremost high street sponsor of Israel. When the time is right, please write a letter for our newspaper (see and email us if there's anything else we can do from here

  10. Well done on acheiving nothing! Yet another bunch of students stamping their feet like upset children until their 'demands' are met. Good job you scheduled this outrageous 'sit-in' now, otherwise you might have to fit your protesting round your exams and whatnot.

  11. Solidarity from Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism!/Revolutionary Communist Group supporters in Manchester. The continuing protests on campus's across the country against British support for Israel are an inspiration and a welcome sign that there is the beginnings of a new movement of young people in Briain who will take a stand against British imperialism and the attacks on the working class that are coming.

  12. Do you really think that a bunch of students in a country nothing to do with the situation could force Israel to stop defending themselves? Why don't you work on improving your own country before you start patronising others?

  13. The U.K has a lot to do with the current situation between Palestine/Israel. Read up on your history.

  14. If you disagree with the occupation of Gaza by the Israelis, do you also disagree with the occupation of Northern Ireland by the British?
